06 March 2006

bad dog part infinity

And he did it again today. 20 minutes by himself. There he was, perfectly non-plussed on the pillows. Sigh...if he weren't so cute...

Random thing that happened the other day. Have you ever wondered why more people don't get hit with dead birds falling out of the sky? Well, I have. And I needn't wonder any longer. I was driving along the highway at 70 mph, and THUNK, a bird falls out of the air (not flew into my car, mind you, it came straight down) and onto my (newly washed) car.

Needless to say, it was not a pretty picture. There were fluids. Oh, yes, there were fluids. Sweet, sweet husband was following me in his car, and when I called him in a slight panic over said bird, he offered to switch cars with me and get it washed. I took him up on it, and I am so glad I did because...well...I actually don't want to talk further about the fluids. Let's just say that this must have been a massive bird from (a) the THUNK and (b) I'm not even going to say it.


Hillary said...

um, wow. That's nasty. Thanks goodness for thos hubbies who are there to clean up the messes, eh? I need to get me one of those (a hubby, not a mess. I have enough messes). :P

Hope there's no dent in your roof!

Ellen said...

Bad Dog probably did the deed because he was over at Auntie Ellen's, where he is allowed, nay encouraged, to roam free on the pillows.

Karen said...

Oh, this morning, he hopped right up next to me while I was sitting there talking on the phone! I tried to kind of push him off with my feet, but he just nuzzled up next to them.

Shelli said...

Once, when my dad was teeing off at the golf course...he HIT A BIRD with the golf ball. It knocked off one of its wings. And...ofcourse, my dad yells "thats a birdy...NEXT HOLE!".