24 September 2009

11 September 2009

Shout Out Friday

Check out my sister Ellen's Etsy shop!  Because she's kind of awesome.

She makes cartoon portraits, sculptures, kokeshi-esh peg dolls, and adoption-related what-nots.  I heard a rumor (okay, from our mother) that she's started making wedding toppers as well.  Also, she loves to do custom stuff (she did a custom painting of the Pea when he was born for his nursery, and for his birthday, she made him a little giraffe).

Also also, she's going to start making nesting dolls, and who doesn't love nesting dolls?  a curdmudgeon that no one likes, that's who.

07 September 2009

Happy Labor Day!

Technically, the only "laboring" I've done all day is getting dressed up in Hog garb and heading to Chick-fil-A for a free chicken sandwich.

My mom was even in town this morning, so I got a nap.


04 September 2009

Shout Out Friday!

Yeah, I'm starting this...it may or may not last.

Shout out to Sara for introducing me to Alf's Natural Nutrition Puffed Brown Rice.  $1 for a bag of it.

What it is:  Whole brown rice

What it is not:  Anything else whatsoever

03 September 2009

Note To The Person Who Stole My Stroller from Hobby Lobby

I may not know who you are, but Jesus does.

And you are making Him cry.

To be fair, I left the stroller under the cart, and when I came back for it, it was gone. But what kind of person wouldn't take a BABY STROLLER into the store's lost and found?

Calling All Gleeks!

FOX is re-airing the Glee pilot with additional footage and performances tonight at 9/8c.  Then the season premiere is next week.  Squee!!

(Thanks, GreenBeanTeenQueen for keeping me up to speed.)