That's right. I've been a travelin'. Bill and I, in the past 3 weeks have been to Wisconsin, the Twin Cities, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, and New York. Call it our U.S. Tour 2007.
The tour ended badly.
The very last day of the last of our trips (to Boston and NYC), just after seeing the Statue of Liberty, I left my wallet in the cab. It was a little metal wallet, and I had on new jeans and didn't realize how shallow the pockets were. It must have just popped out. And I didn't feel it because I had a heavy winter coat on because it was so very, very cold.
So instead of getting to spend the day as planned (dinner at Tavern on the Green and seeing Celtic Woman at Radio City Music Hall...which we did catch the end of), Bill and I got to spend it in a genuine NYC Police Station. There were many tears and many fears of just how I was going to get back home without my license.
But I will say this, that time spent with the NYPD (did I mention it was St. Patrick's Day, with 2 million visitors in NYC for the parade?) almost felt like a tourist attraction in itself. It was almost funny how cliche everyone was acting. There were all the policemen with their Jersey accents yelling the F word as noun, verb, and adjective every 5 seconds. Example: (I will use the word "boing" in place of the expletive) "Whaddya mean Jimmy didn't bring in da boinging paperwork after lunch? I boinging told that boinger to bring the boinging papers (pronounced 'pay-puhs')! Well, fuh-get about it, you boing! I'll boinging do it myself now!"
And the dispatcher lady who "helped" me with the paperwork was EXACTLY like Roz the monster in Monsters Inc.
All that to say, it ended unfortunately, but we had a great time at all of our locations. I've never before been able to say that in less than 3 weeks I've ridden a roller-coaster in a Mall, gone skiing, gone to Disneyland, visited Bill's Alma Mater, seen the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, and Ghirardelli Square, driven down crazy Lombard Street in a convertible, eaten at Fisherman's Wharf, visited Boston Common, the Freedom Trail, Cheers, and a church that Bill and I thought was the Old North Church ("two if by land, one if by sea") but wasn't, went to New Hampshire (ehh), tried to get on the Today Show in the middle of a winter storm, attended a Conan O'Brien taping, followed Jeff Goldblum out to his car, saw Bebe Neuwirth in "Chicago", toured the NBC Studios where Bill saw Finesse Mitchell, gazed upon the Statue of Liberty (where I realized my wallet was gone), made it to an hour of Celtic Woman, and rode a train from Grand Central Station.
And now, I'm back home with my doggy.